Debt Impacts Valuations

Business Buyers Will Always Check For This… It Could Be Costly

Blog Series 3 of 6

Author: Mark Mroczkowski

Valuing and financing a company is more complex than using a discounted cash flow model or market comparable EBITDA multiples. Debt compliance plays a significant role in valuing a company. Fixed-charge coverage ratios, leverage ratios, weekly or monthly borrowing base calculations, and capital expenditure caps all play a part in determining how much debt can be borrowed and how much equity is needed to close a transaction.

As a buyer, modeling a transaction’s capital structure goes beyond calculating the projected IRR of an investment. Instead, a buyer needs to understand the monthly working capital requirements of a business, its after-tax cash generation capabilities, and its liquidity. Businesses that are seasonal, cyclical, and have high working capital requirements, tend to be valued less because excess free cash flow is less, if not zero. A  buyer must know if available revolving credit lines can support growth, seasonality, or illiquidity. Buyers must also know if a business can make its interest, principal, and capital expenditure payments in an expanding or contracting market.

Buyers typically use a combination of revolving/asset-based debt, senior debt, and subordinated debt to fund transactions. Each type of debt has specific terms, costs, and covenants that must be met to avoid a credit default or a liquidity crisis.

Revolving or asset-based credit financing uses a company’s accounts receivable and inventory as collateral for the loan amount. It establishes a borrowing limit based on the assets’ quality, age, location, salability, and liquidation value. These items affect a company’s borrowing capacity because “advance rates” on “eligible” accounts receivable and inventory determine how much a company can borrow. For example, the company may have a revolving/asset-based credit facility of $10 million. Based on the accounts receivable characteristics and inventory characteristics, the company may only be allowed to borrow half of that amount or less. Revolving/asset-based credit is not permanent capital and is subject to limitations and quality restrictions. Having a credit line does not mean you have unrestricted access to it, nor can you use it to finance an acquisition.

Both senior debt and subordinated debt are considered long-term debt supported by all the company’s assets, whether tangible or intangible, as well as a pledge of the company’s stock. Typically, senior debt lenders provide the revolving/asset-based credit and have a first lien on all the company’s assets. In contrast, subordinated lenders are typically uncollateralized and considered to have a second lien on all the assets and stock. Commonly, the amounts loaned are more than what the lenders could recover in an orderly liquidation. The lenders monitor the business’s liquidity and cash flow generation capabilities with various financial ratios and restrictions, such as fixed charge coverage ratio being greater than 1.15, senior debt ratio not exceeding 2.50, total leverage ratio not exceeding 4.00, and many others. These ratios are based on the company’s negotiated adjusted and projected EBITDA for the business (please see April’s perspective Adjusting and Normalizing EBITDA for more details). For future years, the financial ratios become more stringent (increases or decreases based on the ratio), thereby holding a buyer accountable for the representations and projections that the business can generate the cash needed to meet all operational, tax, and debt obligations.

In summary, a buyer’s diligence of a company’s historical profits, quality of assets, and projected earnings provided by a seller affect the amount of debt a buyer can borrow, the amount of equity to be invested, and the potential equity return (IRR) on invested capital.

A Buyer’s View of Business Real Estate

Business Buyers Will Always Check For This… It Could Be Costly

Blog Series 2 of 6

Author: Mark Mroczkowski

Buyers consider many things when looking to acquire a business, and real estate is an essential factor. Buyers first consider whether the company owns or leases the property and seeks to understand each’s pros, cons, and valuation impacts.

Lease vs. Own

Owning property as a business owner is not the same value proposition as owning a home. There are pros and cons to owning that need to be thoroughly weighed before deciding how to structure a business transaction. The positives are simple: you have more collateral to support the borrowing capacity of the business, and as you pay down the mortgage, you build equity value in what you hope is an appreciating asset.  Owning the property also gives you flexibility in customizing the space and potentially expanding it without landlord approvals.

The downside to owning is that it requires additional equity capital to acquire an asset that produces a lower IRR than the business, thereby lowering the overall rate of return on the total investment. When selling the company in the future, the next buyer may not want to purchase the real estate. The business could have out-grown the current space, or the location may be inconvenient or unattractive to the labor pool required by the company.  All these factors need to be evaluated when considering owning real estate.

Leasing a facility comes with its own set of positives and negatives. As a lessee, the business is not necessarily tied to its facility long-term and has the option to renew its lease or move to a newer location better suited for its needs.  Additionally, the business has limited liability for capital expenditures associated with the normal aging and wear and tear associated with an older property.  Leasing’s negative aspects are that the landlord may not renew the lease or escalate the rent, thereby making renewal cost-prohibitive and forcing the business into an unwanted relocation. Moving a business is challenging, disruptive, and costly.

Types of Leases

There are three main types of leases: Non-Triple Net (or Gross)Triple Net, and Absolute Triple Net.

The Non-Triple Net (or Gross) Lease is a lease agreement between the lessee and lessor where all costs and expenses of the lease are included in the monthly base rent.

A Triple Net Lease requires the lessee to pay the base rent and its proportionate share of the real estate taxes, building insurance, and basic repairs and maintenance to the building.

The Absolute Triple Net Lease has the same stipulations as the Triple Net, except the lessee is responsible for virtually all structural repairs to the building and surrounding property. The lessee has the responsibility of an owner but without the benefits of ownership.

Terms of Leases

Whether a buyer is assuming a lease as part of a transaction or renegotiating the lease terms at the expiration, there are six essential items to consider.

Annual Increases. Understand the magnitude and timing of any increases to rent. Look for comparable market terms in the area.

Taxes. Understand the assessment of the property and verify the business is not paying an overburdened tax bill.

Common Area Maintenance (“CAM”). These charges typically include costs to maintain the building like landscaping, snow removal, janitorial services, common area utility costs, and general repairs to the building shared by all the tenants. However, a lessor may include additional items into this category, such as cost-sharing on roof repair and replacement, HVAC systems, capital improvements, lighting, plumbing, or electrical wiring.

Expiration and Renewal. Understand when the lease ends and how it will affect the business. If the business needs flexibility, it should look for a short-term lease. If the business needs a guarantee of longevity in the building, then look for renewals with longer-term provisions.

Tenant Improvement Funds. These are funds given to the lessee to improve or potentially fully build out space in the desired fashion. Typically, this will increase the value of the lessor’s space, so they should be amenable to most changes. These funds are usually given at the renewal or start of a lease and include new carpet, paint, and office buildouts.

Indemnification. This provision is required before acquiring a company that leases the building from a related party. The seller of the business (or related party) needs to indemnify the buyer from any material problems with the building or property.

There are many factors to consider in the lease versus ownership debate. Many buyers prefer to rent instead of owning real estate because it creates a less complicated transaction.



Customer Concentration

Business Buyers Will Always Check For This… It Could Be Costly

Blog Series 1 of 6

Author: Mark Mroczkowski

A crucial red flag when evaluating a new acquisition target is a lack of customer diversification. Companies with customer concentration greater than 20% of total sales may pose a significant problem for a buyer.  The nature of the relationship between the company and its large customer(s) needs to be thoroughly vetted before finalizing a purchase price and capital structure. The buyer must weigh all the positives and negatives discussed below.


Having one or several large customers can be beneficial with the right circumstances. If a company has a patented product integral to its customer’s success, there is a lesser risk of losing that customer. A company and customer could also have a special relationship between principals that would be difficult for competitors to usurp. Most importantly, if long-term non-cancellable contracts are in place, there is generally a lower turnover risk.


Unfortunately, the risks surrounding customer concentration usually far outweigh the benefits. Typically, any loss of business from a major customer will be magnified. A customer that accounts for 20% of sales may account for 30% or more of profitability due to overhead absorption and production efficiencies.

Suppose the company’s products are commoditized or have limited differentiation from its competition. In that case, a change in procurement agent or ownership of the customer could drastically change its purchasing levels. The new procurement agent may not like the salesperson or has a better relationship with a competitor. When a new owner steps in, the customer may want to re-bid all vendors, and a competitor with a lower price point could prevail.

The strength and position of the customer also will impact the company. If the customer’s business slows down, so will its purchases. Business loss from a large customer is likely to impact profit margins more than losing business from smaller customers.

If the company’s product or service is re-engineered or becomes obsolete because of changing times or technology, the company’s.earnings will suffer greatly.

For potential acquirers, customer concentration is one of the critical filters when processing potential acquisitions. Buyers typically won’t pursue any deal with customer concentration greater than 20% unless it displays one or more of the positive aspects listed above. Even so, any offer made for a company with customer concentration will usually come with an earn-out predicated on the future profitability of the largest customer(s).